Planning blog


Planning Blog: Location, Participants, Health, Schedule

- During this project, our locations change multiple times throughout it. The main location for our scenes will be a park. Other locations will be at a house, and a car in empty parking lot. The limited locations allow our project to be more eerie and suspenseful.

- The participants of our project include Callie; who is recording, Adrian; who plays as our kidnapper, Imani; as the girl who was kidnapped and comes back for revenge, and Nijah; who is recording and plays as the next victim after Imani.

- Throughout our project, everything that can be seen as harmful is fake. Such as knifes, ropes, dragging scenes, and any malicious actions. To ensure the safety of our team, our parents purchased us a first aid kit to keep on hand. We also ensured that nothing harmful was held too close to our actors.

- Recording our project, we have come together as a group to discuss our schedule. The first date will be 01/19, 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. This day is a half day at school which allows the group to have a enough time to record at the park. The next date is 01/22, 3:30 pm-7:00 pm, where the group has no school. The last date until more are decided is 01/26, 3:00 pm until the time needed. 


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