Title Research: Red Lights

 What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

The titles pop up on the screen which shows a bunch of letters and then shows the full title. The names and titles begin to turn sideways in a relatively small text, prioritizing imagery a bit more. They show next to the imagery, which I assume is done to have the focus on images rather than the words. Towards the end, the words break apart and disappear. 

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?

They prioritized the blurred lights, and the different angles of the eye. They show images of people, a skull, and architecture. They go back with the burred lights but added a newspaper. A really small UFO, which they added a square around it, to show the importance of what we should be seeing. Then, they show an airplane landing. 

How does the film establish a feeling of the genre?

Since thriller and horror are similar, I would say it definitely establishes a feeling of thriller. It builds suspense with the imagery, it confuses the viewer with what will happen and how. They also leave us on a cliffhanger with the airplane landing. It has dark lighting and tense music. 


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