Production blog

 Hey everyone! Today, we’re going to talk about a small issue we ran into while planning our filming schedule. We want to start filming as soon as possible, but we’ve had trouble finding a day when everyone is available. Some of us have work, school, or other responsibilities that make it hard to meet at the same time.

At first, we thought we had finally found the perfect days to film. But then we realized that Natalie will be out of town during our main filming days. Since she is an important part of our group, we had to adjust our schedule. To solve this, we decided to move our filming to an earlier date. The new filming day is right after school, which might make things a little harder. Since it’s a school night, we won’t have much time before we need to stop.

This could mean we won’t finish as much as we originally planned. On top of that, we all still have homework and other things to take care of. Because of this, we might have to find another day to continue filming. If we run out of time, we may have to split up and film smaller scenes separately. This could help us get more done without needing the whole group at once.

Even though this situation is a little stressful, we’re staying positive. We are confident that we can still film a good amount on our planned day. We’ll do our best to work efficiently and make the most of our time. No matter what, we will keep pushing forward and working as a team. Everyone has been doing their best to make this project happen, and that’s what really matters.

Even with unexpected problems, we are still committed to making an amazing film. As long as we stay flexible, we will find a way to get everything done. Our teamwork and dedication will help us overcome any challenges. We appreciate everyone's patience and effort during this process. Thank you for reading, and we’ll keep you updated. Talk to you all soon! 


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