Filming Production Blog
We filmed today again. It's always hard to plan but we finally figured it out. We had to film the girl walking home and the man stalking her. I spent a decent amount of time trying to get them to act right for the film. I am basically the director of the film at this point. I am the one filming so I have to tell them how to act because I can see how it looks. We took about an hour and thirty to film. we got it done but, not as quick as other times. We were working much slower due to it being cold outside. We also had to figure out how we were going to film certain scenes. One of our group members was supposed let us film in their house. unfortunately, their parents said no at the last minute. I don't really know why so it was kind of annoying. I am in clutch with an idea. I knew a friend nearby. They originally said they were busy but as time passed, they let us. I was very happy because it was our last resort. We were in and out, so we didn't invade their space. I had fun filming overall though. We went and got food after as always and then went home. We only have 1 more day of filming left and then we are done!
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