Intro to Final Task

  Hi! I am done with the last two project and it's time for the next. I really did enjoy the first one and it was fun. To introduce myself again, my name is Callie Brown. I am a junior at Fort Lauderdale High School in the Cambridge program. I love hanging out with friends and going to Barnes and Noble. Barnes and Noble is one of my favorite places because I work better in workspaces. I love hanging out with friends because it is a way to destress after doing lots of schoolwork.

I took Aice media studies because I love movies. Watching movies is one of my favorite hobbies, and Jordan Peele is my favorite director. My favorite film distributor is A24 because my favorite movies are from them, such as Waves, Moonlight, and Mid90s. A24 produces the best movies for me because they are all so deep and have a significant meaning. Another reason I took this class is because of the high passing rate, thanks to our great teachers. 

I also love listening to music because it fits every feeling, and you can always find something to listen to that matches up with what you are going through at the moment. My favorite artists are Tyler The Creator, Frank Ocean, and Steve Lacy. I listen to most genres because music is a spectrum and should be enjoyed in all different ways. I love the album IGOR by Tyler The Creator because he writes about all his various phases of being in love with this one person, and you can listen to any song, depending on how you feel about someone. Songs are just a catchy situation, and albums are the whole story. 

I also am an only child for the most part, so I do enjoy time to myself. I love cleaning my room and lighting a candle as a way to relax. I like being in my room and my own space despite the fact I love hanging out with my friends. My social battery can run out pretty fast, so being with my friends for a couple hours is perfect for me.  This sums up the basic fun facts about me!


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