Our Pitch blog

 Pitch A: A girl gets kidnapped then escapes and gets revenge on kidnapper 10 years later.

Pitch B: A girl with a friend turns out the friend is imaginary.

Discuss Pitch A:  We ae interested in making this film because we saw a short film similar that had a plot twist. We thought plot twist in this way would be cool because we can get a kid to be our younger self. We can get people to act and more people to be involved with this film idea.  We also watch movies like this all the time, so we wanted to do something like this. We also like the idea of doing a revenge idea.  

Discuss Pitch B: We also liked this film idea for the same reason that it has a plot twist. This was a cool idea and we all thought it would be a nice twist. The problem is we would have to edit the person out the shot to make it work. We aren’t that confident in our editing skills so we aren’t sure how this idea will turn out. The plus is it will involve less people so we can work quicker. 

Our final decision: since we aren’t that good at editing, we decided to go with 

Pitch A: A girl gets kidnapped then escapes and gets revenge on kidnapper 10 years later.


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