Production blog

  I am really excited to start this new project! This is my first time blogging about it. I can't wait to get into all the details. First, we had to decide what each person was doing, which was a little hard. This time we all have very important roles in the movie. Last time one of our members felt a little excluded and we had to figure that out. This time we did have enough roles to include everyone equally. We had made a day to start filming. We filmed at my house and it was really fun. Even though we had fun we still did what we needed to do. We got started late so we were in a time crunch. We did waste a little time by catching up and talking. Even though we didn't have lots of time we still did lots of work. We were really productive in the short time we had. We planned out half of our film at that time. We intended to finish everything, but that goal wasn't met. We set dates to start filming again and hopefully, they work out. In case those days don't work out we made backup meeting days. I really enjoyed working with them. I pray that we can finish everything next meeting. 


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