Title Design

 The opening credits of my film will appear in a biotech font that appears to be “typed” into the Film sporadically. 

● Working Title: The title of this film is likely to be “Red Room”

● It will be Bold with biotech font and in all Caps: SOMETHING ALONG THIS STYLE.

● Titles will all be “Typed” onto the screen. They will come on as being typed and fade in and out.

● Titles will disappear after 2 or 3 seconds.

● I will be using Black and Red Font with the titles in black and the name of who it's by in red. It will look something like this: DIRECTED BY: John Doe

● The first and last name of the person who holds the job will be 2 sizes larger than the rest of the words.  For example: DIRECTED BY: John Doe


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